根据CQ Press对FBI犯罪数据的分析,并编写的全国各大城市犯罪情况的年度报告,新奥尔良的犯罪率居全美之首。
New Orleans;Camden, New Jersey; Detroit,Michigan;St. Louis, Missouri
Rafael Goyeneche
According to an analysis of FBI crime data done by CQ Press, which compiles annual reports on crime for cities around the nation, New Orleans has the highest crime rate in the United States. Last year there were 209 murders and more than 19,000 reported criminal incidents in New Orleans, putting it…
根据CQ Press对FBI犯罪数据的分析,并编写的全国各大城市犯罪情况的年度报告,新奥尔良的犯罪率居全美之首。 去年新奥尔良发生了209起谋杀案件及19,000多起记录在案的犯罪事件。从而超过新泽西州的卡姆敦、密歇根州的底特律和密苏里州的圣路易斯,获得被许多头版作家称为“最危险城市”的“殊荣”。 市政府以及民间组织对…