Muqtada Sadr,Debbagh,Adam Ereli,Nouri Maliki,
Debbagh alluded to the up-until-now acrimonious debate within the government and among Iraq's ruling Shi'ite coalition over approving the pact, but insisted that bickering had been resolved and consensus reached. He says the pact was discussed by all factions represented in the government during a …
Debbagh声明到目前为止,在政府内部和伊拉克什叶派执政联盟对此协议仍有争论,但坚持认为分歧已经解决并且已经达成一致。 他说,出席周六会议的政府各派系与总理Nouri Maliki一起对该协议进行了讨论,每个人都表达了他们的观点,并达成了协议。 据报道,出席周日特别会议的28位内阁成员中的只有一位投了反对票,并且有另外…