Martin Schreibman
New Delhi
Common carp are a popular choice for a fish farm. You could also raise tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. Some fish are harvested once a year; other kinds can be harvested throughout the year. Biologist Martin Schreibman hopes more people will rais…
普通鲤鱼是养鱼塘一个普遍的选择。根据你居住的地方,你也可以养罗非鱼、鲶鱼、鲈鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼或其他种类的鱼。有些鱼是一年一收,有些则是全年可收。 生物学家Martin Schreibman希望有更多的人养鱼。他在纽约的布鲁克林学院建立了水生生物研究和环境评估中心。他说建立一个鱼塘比人们想象中的更容易、成本更低、更有利…