提示:Saint Regis University,George Gollin,the University of Illinois
In August, a husband and wife were sentenced to 3 years in federal prison in a case in the northwestern state of Washington. They operated Saint Regis University and more than 100 other diploma mills. These businesses supplied worthless degrees to more than 9,000 people in the United States and arou…
在8月,一个丈夫和一个妻子在华盛顿西北部一个案件里被判在联邦监狱服刑3年。他们开办Saint Regis大学以及100多个其他的学位制造厂。这些机构向9,000多个美国和世界各地的人提供了毫无价值的学位。他们得到了7,000,000美金。 伊利诺斯大学的物理学教授George Gollin,是帮助调查本案的认证专家。他建议学生们找到他们感兴趣…