提示:Illinois,Richard Daley
Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rainwater. Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water runoff into streets and storm water systems. Several years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a lead…
绿色屋顶的设计旨在节能和采集雨水。有植物覆盖的屋顶有助于保持建筑物温度的凉爽;可以延长屋顶的寿命;可以减少雨水流向街道和暴雨排水系统中。 几年前,伊利诺伊州的芝加哥市市长出访德国,德国是绿色屋顶设计的领先国家。之后,他就决定在芝加哥市政厅种植植被。如今,也有许多其他建筑的天台都宛如公园。 在加拿大温哥…