The proposal introduced on Friday would give the government power to buy bad debt, such as mortgages that cannot be paid back, from any U.S. financial institution for the next 2 years. The White House and congressional leaders have said they hope the legislation can be passed as early as next week.…
周五出台的提案将授权美国政府在今后的两年内从美国金融机构购买坏帐,比如,偿还不了的抵押贷款。 白宫和国会领导人都表示,他们希望在下周就能通过该立法。美国国会两党都一致同意该计划的框架,目前正在制定有关细节。布什总统称,他将和国会一起努力,使该提案尽快通过。 “经济系统面临的风险非常大,并且还需要…