提示:Slawek Loboda
A listener in Poland recently sent us an e-mail. Slawek Loboda writes: "There are many American universities and colleges that provide long distance education to the world. The trouble is that each university says that it is the best. After an hour of searching and reading what they have in their of…
最近来自波兰的一位听众Slawek Loboda给我们发了封电子邮件,他在信中写道:“美国有许多大学和高等专科学校提供世界范围内的远程教学。问题是每所学校都说自己是最好的。一个人在花了一小时查找并阅读他们提供的资料后会头疼不已。你就是不知道能相信谁,还有要选择哪个。” Slawek接着说:“我已经听了多年的VOA,而且…