提示:Karlyn Bowman
Several polls taken after the Republican National Convention show John McCain's surging ahead, and some show him holding a slight lead over his opponent, Barack Obama. 1 poll in particular may be causing concern for the Obama campaign. A new Washington Post/ABC News survey finds McCain is now ahead…
共和党全国大会之后的几次民调显示,麦凯恩的支持率暴涨,有些民调显示他略微领先对手---巴拉克.奥巴马。特别是,其中一次民调可能引起奥巴马竞选团的不安。新的一项《华盛顿邮报》和ABC(美国广播公司)新闻的联合调查发现,在白人妇女的支持率上,麦凯恩现在以53% 比41% 领先于奥巴马12个百分点。 上个月,在同一调查中参…