提示:carissa,marula,aizen;baobab tree;gumvine;sweet detar ;ebony;Mark Dafforn
Today Africa's traditional fruits are mostly raised in villages and home gardens. There are few large operations for cultivating them. The scientists suggest that horticultural science could improve the crops. In terms of nutritional value, the report says fruits like carissa, marula and kei apple …
今天,非洲的传统水果主要种在乡村和家中的花园里。很少有大规模种植这些水果的。科学家认为,园艺学可能改善这些作物。 从营养角度而言,报告称,像carissa、marula和kei apple这样的水果所含维生素C都比普通橘子多。罗望子树的果子富含B族维生素以及钙。并且,这种水果无需冷藏也能保鲜几个月。 猴面包树的果子含有…