摘要:Tsaatan;Morgan Keay;Itgel
The Tsaatan not only work as guides, they now provide all services for travelers. The community works in partnership with international tour operators. Those tour operators formerly had been in control of the services. People in the community designed the visitor center, which they also own and man…
Tsaatan人不仅作导游,他们现在还为旅行者提供许多其他服务。他们与国际旅行社合作。过去,是那些旅行社控制着这些服务。 部落里的人设计了这个游客中心,并且持有和管理这个中心。在中心建立前,家庭的平均收入为每年100美元。现在,Morgan Keay说,平均收入是那时的3-4倍。一部分资金也被用于建立部落基金。 4年前,…