提示:Mongolia;Tsaatan;The Itgel Foundation;Morgan Keay
In far northern Mongolia, the survival of the smallest ethnic group in the country depends on reindeer. An American named Morgan Keay visited the Tsaatan community when she was studying in Mongolia in 2002. Leaders told her that the animals were not healthy and the number of reindeer was getting too…
在蒙古的最北部,该国最小的种族生存依赖于驯鹿。一位名叫Morgan Keay的美国人2002年在蒙古学习时访问了Tsaatan这个族群。(驯鹿部落)首领告诉她,这些动物不再健壮,而且驯鹿的数量变得越来越少而不足以供给整个群落。 当她离开的时候,首领把他祖父的烟斗送给了她。这样她将记住Tsaatan并会尽力帮助他们。Tsaatan群落…