We often hear the term brain aneurysm. Joe Biden had 2 of them 20 years ago. Doctors saved his life. Now the 65-year-old senator from Delaware has just been named the vice presidential choice of Democrat Barack Obama.  Ohio's first black congresswoman, however, was not so lucky. 58-year-old …
我们常听到“脑血管瘤”这个词。Joe Biden曾在20年前患有2个脑血管瘤。医生救了他。现在,这位来自特拉华州65岁的参议员刚被任命为民主党总统候选人巴拉克•奥巴马的竞选副手。 但是,俄亥俄州第一位黑人女国会议员就没那么幸运。58岁的参议员Stephanie Tubbs Jones上周在脑动脉瘤破裂后数小时内死亡。医生说,她可能没有…