Some lawmakers are concerned that cardholders do not have enough protections from what critics say are abusive policies. These include actions like raising interest rates because of an unrelated event -- like a missed payment on another debt. Also, banks may raise the chances of a late payment by ch…
一些立法者担心,对于评论家指出的滥用政策(造成的损失),持卡人缺乏足够的保护。其行为包括因无关事件而提高利率,如误付另一笔欠款等。另外,银行可能通过改变信用卡月还款额而增加逾期还款的几率。 国会正在考虑立法,以提高对持卡人的保护。但信用卡业界却认为无需更多的条条框框。 82%的美国人认为信用卡提供一…