Mizz Yeager says Teach for America changed her life path and that of many others. She says teaching in a city school is extremely difficult and more training time is not necessarily what is needed. She says even people who move to other kinds of work continue to stay involved in education issues. C…
Yeager小姐表示,“为美国而教”改变了她的人生道路以及其它许多东西。她认为,在城市学校从教难度很大,很多训练时间都是不必要的。甚至那些转行的人们还继续从事着与教育相关的工作。Michelle Rhee大臣和华盛顿特区教育系统中的其他一些高级官员也服务于“为美国而教”项目。 有关因“为美国而教”课程而获得成功学生的…