He has performed as far away as China, where he has used music to raise money for causes such as the Red Cross. Now, Damisch has taken on the role of musical ambassador in the conflict-torn Middle East. "It's more important, I think, for artists to go over there and perform now than maybe at any ti…
他用音乐在像中国一样距离千里之外的地方表演,以此来为红十字会等机构募集基金。现在,达弥施在中东地区冲突中肩负起了音乐大使的重任。 “我认为对于艺术家来说,在这个时刻亲临当地表演或许比以往任何历史上的时刻都更为重要。” 达弥施选用了贝多芬的《热情奏鸣曲》只有一个理由。“每一件和中东有关的事件都让我…