Nothing But Nets is a campaign to give families in Africa free bed nets to prevent malaria.Malaria is preventable and treatable, yet it remains one of the world's deadliest diseases. Another person dies from it about every thirty seconds. Most of the victims are children and most of the deaths are i…
“只要蚊帐”是一项为非洲家庭提供免费蚊帐以预防疟疾的活动。疟疾是可以预防和治疗的,然而它仍然是世界上最致命的疾病之一。另外,大约每30秒钟就有人死于疟疾。大部分受害者是孩子,并且大部分的死亡发生在非洲。每年,在非洲,都有一百多万人死于疟疾。 “只要蚊帐”是联合国基金会的一项活动。这些蚊帐是由日本的Su…