"President Bush has tried to hold the line across the board when it comes to this Congress trying to raise taxes on the American people or raise spending unnecessarily. He has not been afraid to veto bills."   Perino added that defense and security costs since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Un…
佩里诺说:“布什总统努力全面抵制国会增加美国人民赋税或增加不必要开支的企图。他在否决议案方面并不手软。” 佩里诺又说,自从恐怖分子向美国发动9/11袭击以来,国防和安全开支大大加重了美国的财政负担,但是那些开支是至关重要而且恰当的。 当布什总统就任时,美国有1千2百80亿美元的财政盈余。批评布什总统的人…