California has more than two thousand kinds of plants that are not found anywhere else. A new study says climate change could severely affect these plants by the end of the century. Many could move northward and toward the Pacific coast in reaction to rising temperatures and changes in…
加州有2000多种植物是其他地方没有的。一个新的研究报告说,气候变化到本世纪末会严重影响到这些植物。很多植物可能北移到太平洋沿岸以应对温度的上升和降水的变化。其它的可能会生长到山上以找到它们偏爱的凉爽天气。 但加州大学伯克利分校的大卫·阿克利说现在气候变化的速度大于过去在冰河时代的变化。他说,移动不够快的…