Obama had trouble winning working class support in his primary battles with former rival Hillary Clinton, but pollster Clay Richards says he appears to be making some inroads. "Obama is doing better among them than other Democratic candidates have done in the past," he added. "And if he maint…
奥巴马与前竞争对手希拉里·克林顿进行初选之战时,他很难获得工薪阶层的支持,但民意测验专家Clay Richards说,奥巴马在这方面已经有所改善。 “奥巴马在赢得工薪阶层的支持中比历史上其他民主党候选人做的更好,”他补充说,“如果他能一直保持这样的领先,或者这种在蓝领白人中的平衡,他很有可能赢得这3个州。 共和党人…