High food and fuel prices. Housing and credit problems. Job losses. Worries about a recession. No wonder the economy is a top issue for American voters. Senator John McCain says tax cuts are needed for growth. The Republican presidential candidate set out his economic plan in a speech…
粮价和燃料价格飙升;房屋和信贷问题;失业;担心经济萧条。无疑经济是美国选民首要关注的问题。 参议员约翰·麦凯恩说,国家发展需要减税。这位共和党总统候选人本周在宾州的演讲中陈述了他的这个经济计划。他将推进国会使布什总统的减税政策永久化。而且,他意图将商业最高所得税从35%降低到25%。 总之,参议员麦凯恩提议…