本周, 全美房地产经纪人协会报道说,美国二月份成屋销售量增长了约百分之三。这是自七月以来的首次增长……
This week, the National Association of Realtors reported that sales of existing homes in the United States increased almost three percent in February. It was the first increase since last July. But fueling that increase was a drop in prices. The S&P/Case-Shiller index of twenty ma…
本周, 全美房地产经纪人协会报道说,美国二月份成屋销售量增长了约百分之三。这是自七月以来的首次增长。 但是此次增长的刺激因素是价格的下跌。标普和Case-Shiller二十个主要市场的住房指数表明一月份房价下跌了约为2.5%。与上年同期相比下降约11%。 本周的另一则报道表示二月份新的单亲家庭的房子的销售有所下降。与一月份…