We are really looking to service those people who fall through the cracks from other programs that may be already existing in the country." A lot of attention has been given to the needs of two million people displaced within Iraq because of violence and insecurity. The international …
我们非常注意照顾那些在其他项目中落空的人们,这些项目可能已经在伊拉克实施了. 由于国内战乱和不安全因素,伊拉克国内流离失所的200万人民的需要必然受到了广泛的关注.伊拉克有200多万人民逃离到其它国家避难,主要集中在叙利亚和约旦,国际社会对此境况做出反应。 虽然对这些难民的援助必将持续下去,但Stops表示应该把更…