Some actors and rock stars use their star power for social activism. But how much power do they really have?Daniel Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School at Tufts University in Massachusetts. He says measuring the effects of celebrity activism can be d…
一些艺人和摇滚歌星发挥他们的明星效应参与社会行动主义.但是他们真正拥有多少能力呢?Daniel Drezner是一名马萨诸塞州塔斯夫大学的国际政治学教授,他说衡量名人行动主义的作用存在困难. 他认为可能最成功的例子就是戴安娜王妃反对20世纪90年代埋地雷的运动.他说,然而最终还是因为她的车祸丧生,才使人们更加关注她的工作和这…