The vote was 229 to 191, a surprising blow to House Democratic leaders who pushed hard for another extension of the Protect America Act, which is itself a revision of a 1978 law called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ACT (FISA). In passing its version of intelligence surveillance legislation o…
投票结果是229票对191票,这对那些大力推进延长《保护美国法案》(Protected America Act)的众议院民主党领导者们而言是一个意外的打击。《保护美国法案》本身是1978年一部称为《外国情报监视法案》(FISA)的修订版。 参议院是在周二,以68票对29票通过议案,批准 “情报监视立法”的部分,这其中包括布什总统和共和党人一…