"A lot of people in the Latino community just remember what the Clintons did in the 1990's, in terms of jobs and economic growth and things like that, I think that is why they are placing their support with the Clintons. I think a lot of them still do not know a lot about Barack Obama, but my hope i…
“许多拉丁社区的人只记得克林顿在90年代的政绩,即关于工作、经济增长以及类似的事情。那是他们支持克林顿夫妇的原因。我认为他们中很多人不了解巴拉克?奥巴马,但我希望一旦他们对巴拉克?奥巴马有更多的了解,他们会认为奥巴马才是正确的选择。” 冈萨雷斯说她和其他西班牙裔年轻人支持奥巴马是因为他们认为奥巴马是未来…