For pet lovers, there are calendars with pictures of cats doing unusual things. Three hundred sixty-five of them – one for each day of the year. Calendars of dogs wearing clothes. And calendars of beautiful women in swimming suits, not wearing much at all. Would you rather look at pictures of cars…
对宠物爱好者,有以做着各种特别动作的猫为图的日历,(日历中)有365张图片---一年中每天一张。有以穿着衣服的小狗为图的日历。还有身着泳装其实等于没穿的美女日历. 你愿意看汽车的图片么?也有印着汽车图片的日历。甚至有供孩子们自己画上图片的日历。 有些人不仅仅是看日历,他们在日历上写下必须记住的重要事情,象开会…