The New Year is the time for new beginnings. It is also the time to buy a new calendar. Yet it can take a lot of time just to choose the right one. There are lots and lots of choices. There are small ones. Big ones. Calendars that sit on a desk. Calendars that hang on the wall. Calendars to carry ar…
新年是新的开始。这也是买新日历的时候。然而,人们可能仅为选择一本合适的日历花费很多时间。现在有太多的选择。有大的,小的,台历,挂历,便携式日历,一页显示一个月或一页只显示一天的日历。 当然,从一个方面而言,所有日历都是一样的。它们列出一年中同一天的顺序确实是一样的。但是,人们买日历不仅仅是为了知道今天…