
Rajan Vempati
carbon dioxide
Portland Cement Association
Rice hulls, or husks, are the protective coverings on grains of rice. Rice with just its hull removed is brown rice. Rice without its hull or bran is white rice. Once rice is harvested, the hulls are out of a job. They may be taken to landfills or burned. Sometimes they are used to absorb waste in…
稻壳是稻米的保护层。如果只去掉稻米的荚就是呈黄色的糙米,如果去掉了麸或糠就是呈白色的精米。稻米一旦被收获,稻壳就失去了作用。它们或者被送到垃圾填埋场或者被烧掉。有时候它们被放在在鸡舍里吸收鸡的排泄物,有时被用来改良土壤。 但德克萨斯州的一位化学家有不同的见解。 拉詹•温帕蒂带领了一个团队来研发使…