American Council of Trustees and Alumni
"thin education"
Brooklyn College
New York City
Texas A&M
University of Texas-Austin
West Point
University of Arkansas
Anne Neal
Faiza Elmasry
Robert Costrell
A new college guide in the United States compares educational requirements in 7 subjects. These include math, science, writing and United States history or government. The other subjects are economics, foreign language and literature. The free online guide is from the American Council of Trustees a…
美国新颁布的教学指南将7个学科的教学要求进行了比较,其中包括数学,自然科学,学做,美国历史或政体。其他科目为经济学,外语和文学。 这份免费的网络版指南是由美国受托人及校友理事会制订的。该理事会是一个支持进行人文教育的非盈利性团体。 集团总裁安妮·尼尔称:在21世纪的社会和这个联系日益密切的世界中想要…