Discovery/3M Young Scientist Challenge
Nico Seamons
Nikita Gaurev
Marina Dimitrov
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
10 children ages 8 to 14 were in New York recently for the finals of this year's Discovery/3M Young Scientist Challenge. Middle school students from every state entered the competition, sending in videotaped ideas. Officials said the 500 students who entered were judged as much on their communicatio…
十名年龄在8到14岁的儿童最近在纽约参加了今年“探奇教育3M青少年科学家挑战”的决赛。来自各州的中学生们参加了比赛,并用视频将自己的想法记录下来,寄给大会。官方人士称入围的500名学生将接受沟通技巧和表现出的科学天赋方面的测验。 最终的十名入选者将展示他们的发明。他们的发明都是来自于家庭常用品。然后在一系列的…