Ottoline Leyser
University of York
Think of a major road crowded with traffic. So many cars are on the main road that the cars on the side roads cannot enter. The stem is like the crowded main road. The new research shows that the buds on the side cannot export their auxin into the main stem because it is too full. But if that main …
设想一条交通拥挤的主干道上塞满了很多车,以至于辅道上的车辆都无法进入(主干道)了。 主茎就好比那条拥挤的主干道。这项新的研究显示,由于主茎内充满了生长素,所以侧面的叶茎无法将生长素输送过去。但是如果剪掉主要的芽体,那么下面的其他芽体就能开始输送生长素,他们就不会被限制生长了。 约克大学的奥特林•雷…