
Lehman Brothers
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
A.I.G.-American International Group
Troubled Asset Relief Program
One year ago, the United States financial system was in danger of collapse. One of Wall Street's oldest investment houses had just sought protection from its creditors. The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on September 15th was a shock to the system, but not the only one. A week earlier, the government h…
一年前,美国金融体系处于崩溃的境地。华尔街最古老的投资公司之一,雷曼兄弟不得不寻求债权人的保护。而9月15日雷曼兄弟宣告破产的消息对于整个业界来说无异于晴天霹雳,但是坏消息远不止这一个。 政府于上周开始执掌房利美和房地美。这两家公司资助大部分的美国住房贷款。仅在雷曼兄弟破产的一天之后,美国政府认识到大型…