Hamid Karzai
Abdullah Abdullah
Daoud Ali Najaf
Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission has a message: Pay no attention to competing claims of victory in the presidential election. The first ballot counts are not expected until Tuesday. A candidate needs more than 50% of the vote to avoid a run-off election. The campaigns of President Hami…
阿富汗独立选举委员会发布消息:不要相信任何一方关于赢得总统选举的声明。首轮计票结果下周二才会公布。 候选人要赢得超过50%的选票才可以避免决选。现任总统Hamid Karzai和前外交部长Abdullah Abdullah的竞选团队均宣称己方赢得多数选票。 共有30多位候选人参加了周四的选举。这是阿富汗历史上第二次总统选举。竞选团队相…