Amy Garcia说学校医护人员的平均收入是每年4.2万美元,但是有些人的收入只有其一半,与清洁人员的工资持平。
President Obama is letting Congress write the details of his plan for what he calls health insurance reform. Congress is now on its August break. But members have been holding what are known as town hall meetings around the country to hear reaction. And they have been getting an earful from crowds f…
奥巴马总统正让国会为他所称的医保改革计划拟定细节。国会当前是处在八月休会中。但是国会成员们已在全国各地召开市政厅会议以听取反响。他们已从民众那里听到了许多支持和反对该计划的意见。 “这不是医改,这是控制!对我们生活的控制!” 总统在自己的会议中追述了二十世纪九十年代。“每一次我们即将通过医保改革,一些…