Pierre Condom
The mood should have been celebratory, to fete Paris Air Show's first century of existence, but the week-long industry event instead opened Monday with the doldrums. Airline, passenger and freight traffic has dropped in 2009 for the first time since 2001. And, airline companies are cutting staf…
喜迎巴黎航展首个百年庆,气氛本应是欢欣雀跃的,可是这场持续一周的工业盛事却在周一开幕时门可罗雀。航空公司数、乘客人数和货运量均出现了自2001年以来的首次下降。 并且,航空公司纷纷裁员以度过全球金融危机。国际航空运输协会已经发出过警告,航空公司整体上会在今年损失大约90亿美元。 此次危机也迫使航空公司放弃或…