截至周二, 73个国家报告了感染新型H1N1流感病毒的病例总数已超过26000例。
Hints:Keiji Fukuda
As of Tuesday, 73 countries had reported more than 26,000 cases of the new H1N1 flu virus. A World Health Organization official, Keiji Fukuda , said these confirmed cases included 249 deaths. Doctor Fukuda, the agency's top flu expert, says the virus continues to spread in North America. And the…
截至周二, 73个国家报告了感染新型H1N1流感病毒的病例总数已超过26000例。一位来自世界卫生组织且名叫Keiji Fukuda的官员透露说,在这些确诊病例中包括了249个死亡病例。 Fukuda医生是该机构的顶级流感专家,他说该病毒仍在北美持续蔓延,同时有越来越多这样的报告从南美洲以及其他南部国家传来。 澳大利亚的感染人数已超过…