Sonia Sotomayor
David Soute
Puerto Rico
Democrats say her record shows that she is a moderate. In any case, Democrats hold a strong majority in the Senate. So, barring any unexpected problems, her chances for confirmation seem strong. Republicans say they will demand a serious look at her many legal decisions. But political observers poi…
民主党员称,她履历说明她稳健,不管怎样,民主党在参议院占多数,因此,不出意外的话,她获批准的机会很大。 共和党称,他们将要求对她的许多法律判决进行严格核查,但政治观察家指出,共和党可能会担心,如果他们试图阻挡她的任命,会有厌恶拉美裔美国人之嫌,拉美裔美国人是目前最大的少数民族,也是增长较快的选举人群。…