Sallie Mae
A study in the United States found that 84% of undergraduates last year had at least one credit card. Half had 4 or more. Borrowers who do not pay their credit card debt in full each month have to pay interest on whatever balance remains. Student loan company Sallie Mae did the study. In a time of e…
美国的一项研究显示,去年84%的大学生至少拥有一张信用卡,半数学生有4张卡或者更多。如果借款人每月不能全额偿还信用卡欠债,那么就必须支付利息,而无论卡上结余多少。 学生贷款公司Sallie Mae做了这项研究。研究指出,在经济衰退时期,大学生比平时更依赖于信用卡,许多人似乎依靠信用卡过着入不敷出的生活,即花费多于其…