Smoking is the world's leading preventable cause of death. In the United States, smoking rates are down from the past, but cigarettes still cause about 1/5 of all deaths. Nonsmokers are also affected. Thousands in the United States die each year from heart disease and lung cancer from breathing ot…
吸烟是世界首位可以预防的死因。在美国,尽管吸烟率较从前有所下降,但是吸烟仍占据了死因的1/5。 不吸烟者同样会受到影响,每年美国有几千人由于吸二手烟而死于心脏病和肺癌。二手烟也会引起儿童呼吸道感染,甚至会导致婴儿猝死。 近年来一直有迫切的要求促使各级政府在公共场所禁烟。美国肺科学会表示全美50个州里已经有…