Ernest Bai Koroma
Sierra Leone
Scott Stearns, VOA News, Dakar
"They are paid a pittance. They are paid, you know, a dollar, $2 max a day for their labor. So it's not something that is actually benefitting them in terms of being able to provide for their household. So instead, they need to be provided the education that the government of Sierra Leone is obligat…
"他们的收入少得可怜,工作一天最多也只有一、两块美元。所以这实际上并不能够可以来养活他们的家庭。相反,他们需要接受教育,根据塞拉利昂国内法律,政府有义务向他们提供教育,因为这样他们才将有真正的机会离开这些矿井,才能给他们的家人提供养家的钱。" 哈佛大学的报告有两项广泛的建议。 报告希望弗里敦政府在教育方…