Economic experts believe the world financial industry is moving towards recovery but with more losses to come. In all, the I.M.F. says worldwide financial losses could be as high as $ 4,000,000,000,000 by the end of next year. World trade is expected to drop 11% this year, after expanding by 3% last…
经济学家认为虽然世界金融(业)正在恢复之中,但与此同时,仍会有更多的亏损。IMF 说,总体来说,到明年年底,世界经济的损失可能高达 4 万亿美元。继世界贸易额去年的增长 3%后,今年贸易额预计会下降 11% 。 IMF 报告说,在 2011 年之前,国际放款政策不会完全恢复。金融危机使得 IMF与之前相比,显得更为重要了。世界最…