Judge Ninfo
George W. Bush
The government says 45% of college students have credit card debt. The average amount owed is more than $3,000. High credit limits are especially dangerous for college students. John Ninfo is a bankruptcy judge in Rochester, New York. He started the Credit Abuse Resistance Education Program. It prov…
政府表示国内有将近 45%的大学生拥有信用卡债务,平均欠款达3000美金之多。高额的信用额度对大学生尤其危险。约翰内佛是纽约州罗切斯特市的处理破产案件的法官,正是他开启了“抵制信用卡滥用教育项目”。 该项目利用网站为家长,教师以及学生在财务问题上提供了各种有用的策略。内佛法官表示,他经常看到那些二十七、八岁…