Angela Merkel
Nicolas Sarkozy
Japp de Hoop Scheffer

ARhine River
It was a symbolic beginning to a day of ceremony and discussions. German Chancellor Angela Merkel met NATO leaders on the German side of the Rhine River and together they walked across a bridge where they were met by President Nicolas Sarkozy, who then welcomed them into France. A bugle call and …
这标志着庆祝北约成立和展开众多讨论议题日子的开始。德国总理默克尔在莱茵河畔(德国界内)会见北约各国领导,与他们一起步行穿过莱茵河上连接法德的小桥,在那里与法国总统萨科齐会合。萨科齐对他们的来访表示欢迎。 军号吹响之后,各国领导人为过去和最近为战争使命而牺牲的北约士兵们默哀,这其中包括在阿富汗被杀害…