
Timothy Geithner
Edward Liddy
Lawrence Summers
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has been in talks with AIG Chief Executive Edward Liddy to limit the millions of dollars worth of bonuses promised to employees, including some who worked in the financial product unit responsible for bringing the company to the brink of collapse. In a let…
美国财长盖特纳已与美国国际集团(AIG)首席执行官爱德华.利迪进行了谈话,要他限制向员工承诺的数亿美元的奖金,这些员工其中包括在该公司金融产品部门工作并应对将AIG带入倒闭边缘负有责任的那些人。 利迪在周六给盖特纳的一封信中指出,尽管这种安排“令人不愉快,也困难重重”,但坚持发放的这些奖金在2008年初就到位…