Most recent past presidents, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, chose to deliver a farewell address from the Oval Office. But President Bush opted to speak from the East Room of the White House Thursday night, in front of an audience that included members of the military, firefighters and…
美国近几任总统,比如卡特、里根、克林顿,他们都选择在总统办公室发表告别演讲。但布什总统则选择周四晚在白宫的东厅发表演讲,台下的与会者包括军人、消防员以及教育家。布什表示,在他八年任期内,这些人的事迹感动着他。 “在这些美国人身上,我们看到了我们国家的精髓——百折不挠而又充满希望,心在善良而又坚强。…