This has been a week of "lasts" for President Bush - the last press conference, the last cabinet meeting, and the last broadcast speech to the nation."Tonight, with a thankful heart, I have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on the journey that we've traveled together and the futur…
这周对于布什总统来说,充满了“最后一次”——最后一次新闻发布会,最后一次内阁会议,最后一次向全国做公开演讲。“今晚,我怀着一颗感谢的心,请求一个最后的机会,就我们一起走过的旅程以及国家的未来,与诸位分享一些想法。” 他回顾了第一次在白宫做全国演讲的经历,那一次,他向沉浸在911恐怖袭击所带来的震惊,沮丧…