But Pickens knows he may have an uphill battle to fight as long as energy prices remain low. "As long as you've got cheap oil - see, that is the thing that has absolutely stunted the country, as far as energy is concerned. You have those run-ups and they look at alternatives and they start to talk …
不过皮肯斯知道,由于能源价格仍处低迷状况,他可能要打一场举步维艰的仗。 他说:“只要石油价格低廉,你看,从能源角度考虑这绝对是个足以阻碍一个国家的事。油价一旦上涨,人们开始另谋他路,并且谈论如何解决这个问题,随后油价走低,大家都不再讨论这一问题。在上世纪70年代,80年代,90年代还有2008年都发生过类似…