Rice,T. Boone Pickens
Speaking in a lecture hall at Rice University, 80-year-old T. Boone Pickens called for the young people in the audience to carry forth the fight for a national energy plan. He said a severe crisis might not cripple the nation during his lifetime, but he said such a crisis could crush the hopes of yo…
在莱斯大学的一次演讲中,80岁的T.布恩•皮肯斯呼吁年轻听众们积极推进国家能源计划,并为之奋斗。他说在他的有生之年一场严重的危机恐怕不能削弱美国(的发展),但是像这样一场金融危机可能会粉碎年轻一代的希望,除非现在政府出台一项思路清晰,内容全面的政策。 “我们现在还没有一个计划,过去也不曾有。有计划的傻…