吃盐少一点 长寿多一点
Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo
San Francisco
Stanford and Columbia University
Even a small reduction in salt in the diet can be a big help to the heart. A new study used a computer model to predict how just 3 grams less a day would affect heart disease in the United States. The result: 13% fewer heart attacks. 8% fewer strokes. 4% fewer deaths. 11% fewer new cases of heart d…
甚至降低一点盐的摄入都会对心脏有很大帮助。美国一项新的研究用电脑模块预测每天减少三克盐的摄入会对心脏疾病造成怎样的影响。 结果:会减少13%的心脏病,8%的中风,4%的死亡人数,11%的新增心脏病病例,并且会节约2400亿的医疗费用。 研究人员还发现这能每年防止10万人得心脏病和减少9.2万人死亡人数。 这一研究报告发表…