"8-pound livelihood"
World War II
The museum tells about this history with personal photographs, documents, objects and videos. For example, a toy from the 19th century has 2 forms, a man in western clothing and a Chinese man. When you press the toy gun's trigger, the western man kicks the Chinese man in the back. The racism represe…
这家博物馆通过私人照片、文献、物件和录像向人们叙述这段历史。举个例子,有这样一件19世纪的玩具,由两位人物组成,一位身著西方服饰的男人和一位中国人。当你按下玩具枪的扳机时,西方人就会朝中国人的后背踢一脚。现在,这件玩具所表现的歧视性让人难以置信,可它却极大地反映出在19世纪末的社会和政治紧张局面。 另一展…